

2015With all the chaos that a start of a new year brings I have finally managed to settle down and focus on the year that lies ahead. I have been greatly inspired by a number of other blogs where I have been encouraged by their goal setting for the year. As one who is not generally too bothered with things like new year’s resolutions and 5yr plans I have decided that this year will be different.

I am going to be 30 (eeeekkk), with 2 months to go until my birthday I am well and truly ready to leave my 20s behind and am looking forward to the new adventures that the 30s will bring. I feel a definite sense of change in me, especially in terms of focusing my energy into things are important to me and my growth as a person as opposed to doing what makes others happy or to impress those around me.

I stumbled across this really easy and simple way to set goals for the year using the numbers of the current year 2 0 1 5.. Its such a nifty little trick I may decide to continue with it. No promises 🙂

You are free to intepret the numbers as you wish and they could stand for anything really, I have chosen this:

2: New things to learn

My career has mostly been a bit stagnant I have found my happy comfortable place and this year I want to take it to the next level and increase my skill set. I am planning on a few courses in the next little while which I am looking forward to.

0: Something to stop doing.

I have a constant need to feel in control, to plan and organise and know whats coming next. This leads to great anxiety and stress. This year I hope to let go of some of that, be more spontaneous and let things happen more organically.

1: Thing to do for someone else

We take for granted the very basic things we have in our lives and I often find myself incredibly ungrateful. Nothing is ever enough I always want more, a bigger house, a newer car and fancier clothes. This year I am setting the goal to do at least 1 thing for someone else so that I can spread the love a bit.

5: Changes I need to make this year

  • Spend more time with my daughter – she is growing too fast before i know it we will be in the teenage years.
  • Only allow people who really care about me and my family into my life. Gone are the days where there are “tons” of friends. If it means I only have a handful of decent, caring and loving people. SO BE IT.
  • Show affection to those I love. I am not naturally an affectionate person, (my love language happens to be Acts of Service) I show I care by cooking elaborate meals, planning outings and buying gifts. Sometimes a hug is all that is needed.
  • Get fit and healthy! no further explanation required.
  • Be more spontaneous – everything does not need to be planned, if there is no list it will not be the end of the world. My goal is to sometimes just see what happens.

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